Car Cover Pros and Cons (All You Need to Know)

Photo of a car with a cover on it. Car Cover Pros and Cons.

If you’re a car owner, you know how important it is to protect your vehicle from damage. One option that many people consider is using a car cover. Car covers are designed to protect your car from the elements, as well as from scratches and other minor damage. However, like any product, there are pros and cons to using a car cover.

Key Takeaways:

  • Car covers provide protection from various weather elements, keeping your car clean and free from dust, scratches, and debris.
  • They can be beneficial for long-term storage, preventing moisture buildup, rust, and other damage.
  • Car covers can deter thieves by making your car less visible and harder to access.
  • However, car covers may not be fully waterproof and can trap moisture, leading to potential damage.
  • They may also be less effective in protecting against dust, debris, and graffiti.
  • Installing and removing car covers can be time-consuming and may not be practical for frequent access to your car.
  • Choosing the right car cover involves considering your car model, fabric material, size, and fit to ensure maximum protection.

Understanding Car Covers

Car covers are a popular accessory for car owners who want to protect their vehicles from various elements. They come in different sizes, materials, and designs to suit different car models and make. In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of using car covers and how to choose the right one for your car.

Pros of Using Car Covers

  • Protection from Weather Elements: Car covers protect your car from the sun’s UV rays, rain, snow, and hail. They can also prevent bird droppings, tree sap, and other debris from damaging your car’s paint.
  • Dust and Dirt Control: Car covers can keep your car clean by preventing dust, dirt, and other particles from settling on your car’s surface. This can save you time and money on car washes.
  • Security: Car covers can deter thieves from stealing your car by making it less visible and more difficult to access. They can also prevent vandalism and scratches.
  • Long-Term Storage: Car covers are useful for long-term storage of your car. They can keep your car in good condition by preventing moisture buildup, rust, and other damage.

Cons of Using Car Covers

  • Fabric Quality: The quality of the fabric used in car covers can vary greatly. Some fabrics may scratch your car’s paint or trap moisture, leading to mold and mildew growth.
  • Fitting Issues: Car covers may not fit your car properly, especially if you have a custom or modified car. This can lead to flapping, tearing, or even falling off during windy conditions.
  • Maintenance: Car covers require regular maintenance to keep them clean and in good condition. Some fabrics may require special cleaning methods, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Choosing the Right Car Cover

When choosing a car cover, consider the following factors:

  • Car Model and Make: Choose a car cover that is designed to fit your car’s specific model and make.
  • Fabric: Look for a fabric that is breathable, waterproof, and UV-resistant. Cotton, polyester, and nylon are popular fabric choices for car covers.
  • Size and Fit: Choose a car cover that fits your car snugly without being too tight or too loose. Look for covers with elastic hems or straps for a secure fit.
  • Storage: Consider how you will store your car cover when not in use. Some covers come with storage bags or cases for easy storage.

Pros of Using Car Covers

When it comes to protecting your car, using a car cover has many benefits. Here are some of the pros of using car covers:

Protection from the Elements

Car covers can protect your car from various weather conditions, such as rain, snow, and hail. They can also help protect your car from UV rays and heat damage, which can cause paintwork to fade and crack over time. By using a car cover, you can keep your car looking new and in good condition for longer.

Protection from Dirt and Scratches

Car covers can also protect your car from dirt, dust, and other debris that can scratch the paintwork. They can also protect your car from pollution, acid rain, and other environmental factors that can damage your car’s finish.

Preservation of Resale Value

Using a car cover can help maintain your car’s resale value by keeping it in good condition. A well-maintained car with a good paint job will fetch a higher price than a car with a poor paint job or scratches.

Ease of Maintenance

Using a car cover can make it easier to maintain your car. You won’t have to wash your car as often, and you won’t have to worry about bird droppings or pollen damaging your car’s finish.

Protection from Minor Damages

Car covers can also protect your car from minor damages, such as scratches and dings. If you park your car in a busy area, a car cover can help prevent other cars from bumping into your car.


Car covers with moisture-wicking properties can help prevent moisture from building up under the cover, which can cause mold and mildew to grow. This is especially important if you live in a humid climate.

Cons of Using Car Covers

Using a car cover has its downsides, and it’s essential to consider them before making a purchase. Here are some cons of using car covers:

Less Protection from Water Damage

While car covers can protect your vehicle from rain, they are not entirely waterproof. Non-breathable covers can trap moisture, leading to rust and corrosion. Breathable covers, on the other hand, allow moisture to escape, but they also let water in during heavy rainfall.

Less Protection from Dust and Graffiti

Car covers can protect your car from dust and debris, but they are not entirely foolproof. Wind can still blow dirt and other debris under the cover, leading to scratches and dents. Additionally, car covers offer little protection against graffiti, which can damage your car’s paint job.

Less Protection from Heat Damage

Car covers can protect your car from the sun’s rays, but they offer little protection against heat damage. On hot days, the temperature under the cover can rise, leading to interior damage and the melting of plastic components.

Less Protection from Lightning Strikes

Car covers offer little protection against lightning strikes. If your car is struck by lightning, the cover may not prevent damage to your vehicle.


While car covers can be an effective way to protect your car, they can also be expensive. The cost of a car cover can vary depending on the size and type of cover you choose.

Effort to Apply and Remove

Applying and removing a car cover can be time-consuming and require effort. This can be especially challenging if you have a large SUV or live in an area with inclement weather.

Car Covers for Different Vehicles

Car covers come in different sizes and shapes to fit various types of vehicles. It’s important to choose the right cover for your car to ensure maximum protection. Here are some tips to help you select the right car cover for your vehicle.


SUVs are larger than most cars, so you need to choose a cover that is big enough to fit your vehicle. Look for covers that are designed specifically for SUVs. These covers are usually larger and have a better fit. Covers made of heavy-duty materials like polyester or nylon are ideal for SUVs as they provide better protection against harsh weather conditions.


Boats require specialized covers to protect them from the elements. Boat covers come in different shapes and sizes to fit various types of boats. When choosing a boat cover, consider the size and shape of your boat. Covers made of materials like canvas, polyester, or vinyl are ideal for boats as they are durable and water-resistant.


Hatchbacks are smaller than SUVs, so you need to choose a cover that is the right size. Look for covers that are designed specifically for hatchbacks. These covers are usually smaller and have a better fit. Covers made of materials like polyester or nylon are ideal for hatchbacks as they provide good protection against dust and UV rays.


Sedans are the most common type of car, so you can easily find covers that are designed specifically for them. Look for covers that are the right size for your sedan. Covers made of materials like polyester or nylon are ideal for sedans as they provide good protection against dust, UV rays, and light rain.

Car Cover Maintenance and Installation

When it comes to maintaining your car cover, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure it lasts as long as possible. First and foremost, you should clean your car cover regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up on the surface. This can be done with a simple soap and water solution, or you can use a specialized car cover cleaner for better results. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning to avoid damaging the cover.

In addition to cleaning, you should also inspect your car cover periodically for any signs of wear and tear. Look for holes, tears, or stretched areas that may indicate the need for a replacement. If you notice any damage, be sure to repair it as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your car.

When it comes to installing your car cover, it’s important to take the time to do it properly to ensure maximum protection. Start by ensuring that your car is clean and dry before you begin. Then, lay the cover out flat and position it over your car, making sure it’s centered and the front and back are properly aligned.

Once you have the cover in place, secure it using the grommets or straps provided. This will help prevent the cover from blowing off in the wind or shifting around while your car is parked. If your cover is waterproof, be sure to check that the seams are properly sealed to prevent water from getting in.

Pro Tip:

To make installing your car cover even easier, try folding it in half lengthwise before positioning it over your car. This will make it easier to align the front and back and will also make it easier to secure the cover in place.

Car Covers and Resale Value

When it comes to selling your car, you want to get the best possible resale value. One way to maintain your car’s value is by using a car cover. Car covers protect your car from scratches, dings, and other damage that can lower its resale value.

According to Allstate, sticking to neutral colors, such as silver, white, gray, and black, can also help boost your car’s resale value. If you choose an unusual color, such as green or purple, it may be harder to sell in the future.

Car covers can also protect your car from fading and sun damage. This is especially important if you live in a sunny area. Sun damage can cause your car’s paint to fade and peel, which can significantly lower its resale value.

When you take your car to the dealership to trade it in or sell it, having a car cover can also make a good impression. It shows that you took good care of your car and that it has been well-maintained.

Car wraps are another option to protect your car’s paint and maintain its resale value. Car wraps are vinyl coverings that can be applied to your car’s exterior. They come in a variety of colors and designs, and they can be removed without damaging your car’s paint.

However, car wraps can be expensive, and they may not be the best option for everyone. Car covers are a more affordable option that can provide similar protection for your car’s resale value.

Car Covers for Long Term Storage

If you plan on storing your car for an extended period, a car cover is a must-have accessory. Long-term storage can expose your car to dust, debris, and other elements that can harm the exterior and interior of your vehicle. Here are some things to consider when selecting a car cover for long-term storage:


Choose a car cover made of breathable materials that allow air to circulate around the vehicle. This will prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. A cover made of lightweight, durable materials, such as polyester or a blend of polyester and cotton, is ideal for long-term storage.


Make sure the car cover fits your vehicle snugly to prevent any gaps where dust and debris can enter. A well-fitting cover will also prevent any movement of the cover, which can cause scratches and damage to the car’s paint.


There are several types of car covers available for long-term storage, including outdoor covers, indoor covers, and bubble covers. Outdoor covers are designed to protect your car from the elements, while indoor covers are made of softer materials and are ideal for protecting your car from dust and debris. Bubble covers provide complete insulation and are ideal for long-term storage in extreme conditions.

Pro Tip

Before covering your car for long-term storage, make sure it is clean and dry. Any dirt or moisture left on the car can cause damage over time. Additionally, consider investing in a dehumidifier to control the humidity levels in the storage area and prevent any moisture buildup under the cover.

Car Covers and Theft Prevention

Car covers are a great way to protect your vehicle from the elements, but they can also help prevent theft. Here are some ways that car covers can help keep your car safe:

  • Out of sight, out of mind: When your car is covered, it’s less visible to potential thieves. They may not even realize there’s a car under the cover, which can discourage them from attempting to steal it.
  • Difficult to remove: Car covers can be difficult to remove quickly, which can deter thieves who want to make a quick getaway. A cover that is secured with straps or locks can make it even harder for a thief to get to your car.
  • Protects against hotwiring: Car covers can make it harder for thieves to hotwire your car. A cover that completely encloses your car can prevent thieves from accessing the wiring under the hood.
  • Adds an extra layer of protection: Even if a thief does manage to get under the cover, they’ll still have to deal with the lock or straps that secure it. This can make it more difficult and time-consuming for them to steal your car.

It’s important to note that car covers are not foolproof when it comes to theft prevention. A determined thief can still find a way to steal your car, even if it’s covered. However, using a car cover can make it more difficult and less appealing for thieves to target your vehicle.

To maximize the theft prevention benefits of a car cover, it’s important to choose one that fits your car well and is made of durable, high-quality materials. Look for covers that are designed to be difficult to remove and that have locking mechanisms to keep them in place. And always park your car in a well-lit, secure location to further deter thieves.

FAQ: Car cover pros and cons

Are car covers worth the investment?

Yes, car covers are worth the investment. They can protect your car from various damages, including scratches, dents, and weather-related damages. Car covers can also help maintain your car’s resale value by keeping it in good condition.

What are the benefits of using a car cover?

Using a car cover can provide several benefits, such as protecting your car from the sun, rain, and other weather conditions that can cause damage to your car’s exterior. Car covers can also protect your car from dust, debris, and other pollutants that can accumulate on your car’s surface. Additionally, car covers can help prevent theft and vandalism.

Can car covers protect your vehicle from sun damage?

Yes, car covers can protect your vehicle from sun damage. The sun’s UV rays can cause your car’s paint to fade and crack over time. Car covers with UV protection can help prevent this damage by blocking the sun’s harmful rays.

What are the disadvantages of using a car cover?

One disadvantage of using a car cover is that it can trap moisture and cause rust to form on your car’s surface. Additionally, car covers can be difficult to put on and take off, especially in windy conditions. Some car covers may also scratch your car’s surface if they are not made with soft materials.

Are heavy-duty outdoor car covers better than indoor covers?

Heavy-duty outdoor car covers are better than indoor covers if you plan to store your car outside for an extended period. Outdoor car covers are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as rain, snow, and wind. Indoor car covers are typically made with lighter materials and are designed to protect your car from dust and debris.

How often should you use a car cover?

You should use a car cover whenever your car is parked for an extended period, such as overnight or while you are on vacation. Using a car cover regularly can help protect your car from various damages and keep it in good condition. However, it’s important to make sure the car cover is clean and dry before putting it on your car to prevent any damage.